A trademark is one or more words, or a series of letters or numbers, a design, or shape, that is used by a business or individual that provides unique properties used in marketing collateral to promote products or services.
To register a trademark in Ontario, Canada, a completed trademark application is registered by Stewart Esten Law Firm, trademark agent, acting on your behalf. The trademark application is filed with the Canadian Trademarks Office in Ottawa. For information on fee’s relating to trademark applications, please visit the Tariffs and Fees section of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office.
The prosecution of a trade-mark application is highly technical and difficult to complete in the absence of the guidance of a registered trade-mark agent. If you have a distinct trade name, mark or logo, it is highly recommended that you protect your business identity for your own peace of mind. In the absence of filing for trade-mark protection, your remedies will be limited and you may lose your brand identity.